December 3, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Lessons My Students Taught Me

In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn. My foray into teaching two Business classes at a local College has been illuminating and has altered generational impressions and stereotypes and created some opportunities for me to grow. Here are the lessons my students have taught me:
* The next generation of business leaders need assistance with collaborative project management and presentation skills. Their technical competence is assured – they have the ideas but need help selling them and building them out.
* Feedback needs to be consistent and formal as well as spontaneous and off the cuff – but more importantly, it needs to be direct. In short they need to know where they are.
* Onboarding needs to be succinct and functional – I spent more time clearly defining short terms goals and short-term expectations – the long-term attention span needs to be developed and not assumed.
* Their ability to navigate adapting technology supersedes those that will be leading them – the ability to create content that speaks to that ability keeps them engaged (vs traditional forms of learning).
* Soft skills will determine their success in the market – will form zones of separation from their competitive set.
*There is no blind acceptance of power norms (norms that previously generations accepted and created) – they are not questioning everything out of immaturity or entitlement – they are questioning out of self-advocacy.
I think great students are hard to find but are even harder to forget. To the students I have taught this semester thank you for your patience, guidance, and opportunity for me to gain another inalienable truth for my toolbox – it is impossible to learn unless you admit you do not know.


Brent Billing is a Senior Director of Client Services at Lecours Group. He has been with Lecours for 22 years.

January 26, 2023No Comments

The Only Consistent Culture I am Aware of is in Yoghurt

Candidate and company psychology fascinates me. It is organic and fluid and is a mirror into both a company’s culture and the ever-evolving view of what a candidate feels they are entitled to.
There is a company that I have never recruited for, yet I have taken a lot of their people. In my world the true measure of a company’s culture is how easy is to turn their leaders’ heads.
They are incredibly active on LinkedIn – trumpeting everything from employee driven charitable causes to their new internal HR branding. It seems like food trucks are at their locations in perpetuity. Yet, I get a resume nearly every time I call their people.
So, what is culture in a company from the perspective of someone trying to poach your people?
Do your leaders know where they stand with you?
Do you tolerate mediocre performance?
Do you reward and compensate based on tenure and longevity or are you a meritocracy?
Do you navigate the tough waters with the same aplomb that you trumpet your successes?
Do you onboard with class and allow exits with professionalism?
When I poach people, the above 5 areas come out at some point in time. I do not know what my next step is. I am not compensated in relation to my performance. I see them promoting the political over the substantive. I do not feel we train well. If I resign, they will toss their toys out of the pram.
Culture is represented in consistent impactful behavior. It is not a tagline or some sort of HR branding. If it is, when I call, I will take your people. Every single time.
Culture is the sum of your leader’s daily behavior – that is it. Get all the ice cream trucks you want, but if you treat your people with a sense of entitlement, it will get you a place at the victims’ table very quickly.

Brent Billing is a Senior Director of Client Services at Lecours Group. He has been with Lecours for 22 years.

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